We are expert, determined and tenacious litigators and negotiators and deploy those skills fighting on your behalf.
We have had opponents complain to the Judge that we are aggressive in litigation. We prefer ‘assertive’, but we’ll take the complement. The Judge’s response was “Well, what do you expect?” and to proceed to uphold the arguments of our correspondence.
Where a tough approach is necessary, we deliver.
I saw Stephen in court and was impressed. I knew this was the best man for my case of unfair dismissal. I would highly recommend Jackson Osborne to anyone.”
M. Bonnar
But don’t think we go looking for a fight. We can be sensitive and accommodating, even cuddly, if that is the approach that will achieve objectives. Disputes are distracting and costly, so negotiated settlement is usually preferable.
But if continuing a dispute can’t be avoided, you’ll want us on your side. We enjoy fighting hard and our achievements speak for themselves, whomever we act for.
For employees, we hold for the record for obtaining the highest ever compensation award made by an Employment Tribunal in Wales at nearly £400,000 and one of the highest disability discrimination awards in UK history. We’ve issued proceedings for an employee on a salary of just £17,000 and proceeded to negotiate a record pay out of £559,000 from the employer.
If you have a current Employment Tribunal dispute or thinking about making a claim, get in touch with the experts. We can have an initial discussion and we will be up front about costs. If your case is weak or not going to attract much compensation, we’ll tell you. If we can’t take your case on funding arrangements that you can afford, we’ll tell you at the start. Give us a call.