
for employers and employees, self employed and agency workers

We offer the full range of employment law services through all industry sectors.

Typical matters include:

  • Unfair dismissal
  • Constructive dismissal
  • Compromise agreements
  • Disciplinary and grievance hearings
  • Business sales and acquisitions
  • TUPE
  • Directors service agreements
  • Contracts, policy and handbook drafting
  • Agency workers
  • Discrimination claims
  • Equal opportunities
  • Dealing with trade unions
  • Breach of contract
  • Tribunal representation
  • Redundancies
  • Retirement
  • Mediation
  • Varying contracts
  • Whistle blowing
  • Commercial Agents


“…my first port of call for expert advice.”
Zoe Harcombe, previoulsy Director of HR, Welsh Water

You need to stand up for your rights. We’ll tell you what they are and stand up with you.