We provide periodic updates of important developments in employment law. If you would like to be added to our distribution list, please give us a call or send us a message .
For news and updates during the response to Coronavirus Covid-19, please click on links to News or Coronvirus. Otherwise….
Useful information only
Employment law certainly changes by the day, but not usually so radically that it changes the fundamental principles by which employers should be communicating and dealing with employees. For that reason, we don’t want to waste our time or yours telling you things that, frankly, will clutter your day but not get you anywhere. However, we will be happy to recommend sites run by large law firms paid for from large fees if that sort of resource is useful to you.
For the moment, we hope to employ our resources more effectively rather than repeat what is already out there and for free. If you want to know more about an item in the news and how it might affect you, just give us a call. You’ll find it’s quicker and more accurate than looking things up yourself. And if we don’t know the answer but think we should, we’ll look it up for you.